Thursday, February 19, 2009
说到摄影,最近接触了几位优秀的专业摄影师。与其自己欣赏,不如与大家分享。如下: (马泰尔。陈, aka Mathew Tan, 所属)
这一天,在毫无准备下,在几个咔嚓声后,第四次成了摄影师那超极数码相机内的影像。这次的摄影师正是刚提过的马泰尔。陈。 想当年,结婚照和全家福的年代应该还是底片式的相机。话说回来, 这一组相片当中,有比较正常的pose,也有一些怪怪的。上载期有限,恕不延期,三天后将自动消失 :)
Monday, February 9, 2009
下午,电邮来自澳洲的一位老伯伯朋友。 他因癌症失去了老伴。
傍晚,有朋友怀疑得了骨痛热症而入院 。
Sunday, February 8, 2009
周华健“ONE华健世界巡回演唱会” - 二月七日
The Review:
《联合晚报》 (2009-02-08)
除了动听的好歌外,华健在和观众互动时也表现了一贯的幽默。分享“屋顶”演唱会的概念后,他突然望着舞台两侧restricted view座位的观众,笑言:“演唱会后你们可以到外头退钱,可以打8折!但经济不景气,我开玩笑的,我会尽量走到你们那边去!”
周华健前后唱足4小时,high到半夜12点,谢幕唱《璀璨》时激动飙泪。 不愧“忘词天王”,周华健演唱会开场不久后就忘词! “忘词天王”周华健昨晚还是忘词了!以《不愿一个人》、《我站在全世界的屋顶》、《你们》、《孤枕难眠》等歌热场后,他在唱《一起吃苦的幸福》时“忘词”毛病再发,唱到“每一次当爱走到绝路/往事一幕幕会将我们搂住/欢迎您/我们越来越爱回忆了”突然忘词,试图以“啦啦啦”带过,但还是被细心的观众发现,华健只抓着头发,笑着唱下去!
儿不听他专辑 周华健伤心
周华健难得昨晚邀请特别来宾上台一起轧歌。据悉,异族同胞Wynn在本地一家pub驻唱,获得华健青睐,受邀担任昨晚演唱会特别来宾,还现场自弹自唱《月亮代表我的心》! Wynn除了献唱《月亮代表我的心》和Collin Raye的《Love Me》,他和华健一起唱《I don’t like to sleep alone》时,由他唱英语原本,另一箱则由华健当场翻唱成华语歌,你来我往,“笑果”十足!
The Family - First of 周华健's family photos that I've seen:
Sunday, February 1, 2009
華麗上班族之生活與生存 - 一月三十一日
The Play:
The Synopsis:
生存需要聪明,生活需要智慧。一名传闻将被篡位的女老板,与12个穿著华丽的上班族,为了争夺一个可以鸟瞰整个城市的位置,尽出奇谋……事业的台风、爱情的地震、财富的海啸,在生存的边缘优雅地讨论生活,到底谁是最后的赢家?金马影后张艾嘉将演绎现代城市人面对生活与生存的无数考验与矛盾。 香港鬼才导演林奕华继2008年带来了构思大胆、手法新颖的现代版《水浒传》后,这次将从现代职场男女角度出发,看办公室的男人如何看女人,而女人又看见怎样的自己,再一次展现林奕华对城市生活的独特解读与想像。
The Review of 30 Jan show [Designing woman (Straits Times, 3 Feb 2009)]:
Sylvia Chang shines as a manipulative and ambitious chief executive
Actree and co-playwright Sylvia Chang said in an interview that she had poured her entire life's experience into this play, and this solid production showed her ambition and reach.
It is set in an office, where retrenchment looms in the wake of an escalating financial crisis. The office drones are ruled by a manipulative female chief executive played by Chang, who wants the company to be publicly listed despite the bad times. The immaculately dressed characters, who look like they walked out of a chic, understated lifestyle magazine, play elaborate games in the office - and bedroom - to get what they want.
But like the hungry characters in it, Design For Living wants to be more than about office politics. It also wants to say something about the nature of human ambition, disillusionment and the sacrifices one has to make for power and success. This becomes the play's strength and also its weakness. On the one hand, there is an unmistakable grandeur about the play - it is more than 3 hours long, beautifully staged and a representative range of characters join and collide in this urban jungle.
This is helped by a stunning set which fills the whole of the cavernous Esplanade Theatre. The gigantic pinewood structure with steps leading up to darkness simultaneously evoked an office lobby, the hierarchical corporate ladder and the steps to a temple of commerce.
Hong Kong director Edward Lam's vision of the workplace is characterised by frenzied movements, the frantic click-clacking of heels, opening and closing of documents, the constant moving of tables. It is a powerful vision, and he has orchestrated a sassy modern-day epic well attuned to the rthyms of the affluent society of our times.
On the other hand, the "office urban jungle" trope, where the big fish eat small fish, is not new. Chang's script, while smart and sassy, sometime lacked subtlety and relied on stereotypes. For example, the idealistic newcomer played by Taiwanese heart-throb Joe Cheng is unimaginatively called Li Xiang, the phonetic equivalent of "dream" in Mandarin. The character turns out to be a cliche - his aspirations in his job application are to be an astronaut or philanthropist.
Chang's backgroun as a screenwriter shows here too, in some cinematic quirks. She relies on a narrator to describe her characters' feelings like a voiceover in a film, which can be clever and wry at times, but mostly grating. There are also huge dashes of melodrama and an over-emotional soundtrack.
Some fat could also have been trimmed off the running time, which was worsened by two technical faults that caused the production to have 2 extra intermissions.
Yet, the veteran actress' performance is well worth the price of entry. She was fascinating to watch as Zhang Wei, the dragon lady who is really a tragic and broken figure. She morphs continually, from a wily old snake with the silky, menacing voice, to a master strategist, and finally a vulnerable woman unable to trust and love.
David Wang is her match in the acting stakes, playing an over-reaching, seductive young man who is his own ruin. Heart-throbe Joe Cheng, however, mistook acting like an overgrown child for idealism and innocence.
It has flaws, but Design for Living has the breadth and pathos of an operatic tragedy, with big emotions and big statements about hte state of modern life. Its revelations may not be new, but it brings them across with compelling, vivid intensity.